Soreness? Muscle Spasm?
Epsom Salt Baths
What is it?
Epsom Salts are excavated from a natural spring in England.
It is made of a chemical structure made up of Magnesium and Sulfate
Why would you take an Epsom Salt Bath?
Muscle Soreness
Loosen stiff joints
reduce Inflammation
Chronic Pain
Toxin detox
During the first 20 minutes of your bath, the salt and toxins are drawn out of the body.
During the second 20 minutes, Magnesium and Sulfate are absorbed through your skin
Benefits of Magnesium:
improve muscle and nerve function
reduces inflammation
imrpoves blood flow and oxygenation
Benefits of Sulfate:
Building blocks of healthy joints, skin and nervous tissue
How to take an Epsom Salt Bath:
Fill your bath with warm water
Add Epsom Salts in the following amounts
under 60 pounds: ½ cup
60-100 pounds: 1 cup
100-150 pounds: 1.5 cups
150-200 pounds: 2 cups
for evey additional 50 pounds add ½ cup
Do not use soap in your Epsom Salt Baths due to the interference with the minerals
Additional Strategies:
add ½ cup olive oil for improvement in antioxidants benefits for your skin
add 1tbsp to 1 cup of ginger or cayenne to increase your body heat to sweat out more toxins