Dr. Thomas A. Gallagher, DC
Dr. Thomas A. Gallagher has been practicing in Belmont Shore for 23 years specializing in family chiropractic health care and sports medicine.
Dr. Gallagher graduated locally from Woodrow Wilson High School, then attended the University of Santa Barbara where he received his Ergonomics degree. He went on to Los Angeles College of Chiropractic where he graduated on the Dean's List. He returned to open up Gallagher Chiropractic and Sports Medicine in Belmont Shore.
Dr. Gallagher has continued to be a supervising Doctor at Los Angeles College of Chiropractic since 1994. He is certified in Chiropractic Biophysics, has a strong emphasis in Kinesiotaping, restorative functional stretching, joint manipulation and postural rehabilitation.
Dr. Gallagher has traveled with the Women's Olympic Water Polo Team, worked on the Olympic flat water kayak team, swimmers, volleyball players, Poly High girls running teams and numerous local athletes from adolescents to geriatric athletes.
Dr. Gallagher was named the Waterman of the year in 2014 by the Aquatics Capital of America. He continues to race Catalina channel crossings and has done the Hawaiian Ironman 5 times.
Social Media:
Instagram: gallagherchiropractic
Twitter: hidocgallagher
Facebook: Gallagher Chiropractic and Sports Medicine