Rotator Cuff Injuries
An injury to one or more of the four muscles in the shoulder
Four muscles of the rotator cuff:
Teres Minor
The type of injury can range from inflammation to a complete tear of the muscle
Sudden or gradual injury to the muscle.
Poor biomechanics of the shoulder joint
Pain at rest and at night, worse when lying on the affected shoulder.
Pain when lifting and lowering your arm.
Weakness when lifting or rotating your arm.
Popping and clicking when moving your shoulder in certain positions.
Grade 1 tear - acute
Overuse activity such as overhead sports
No prior history of injury
Grade 2 tear – tendonitis/tendonopathy
Degeneration and wear of the tendons
Repetitive trauma to the tendons and bursa
Long standing history of grade 1 injury leading to thickening of the tendons
Grade 3
Complete thickness tear of the rotator cuff tendon
Severe muscle weakness
Ice massage – 3-5 minutes with an ice cup
Retraining the biomechanics of the shoulder
Surgery may be deemed necessary with severe tears to the rotator cuff