Piriformis Syndrome
A condition where the piriformis muscle irritates the sciatic nerve, causing pain to the buttocks and referring pain along the course of the sciatic nerve
The referred pain is called “sciatica”
Acute or chronic injury to the piriformis results in swelling of the muscle and irritation of the nerve
The sciatic nerve usually passes underneath the piriformis muscle, however 15% of the time the nerve will pass through the muscle
Those who have the nerve passing through the muscle are predisposed to this condition
Biomechanical problems such as over pronation of the foot or other coexisting conditions
Pain worse with sitting, climbing stairs, or performing squats.
Pain into the buttocks and “sciatica”
Relief of pain when walking
Can have associated tingling and numbness throughout the sciatic nerve distribution
Tenderness at the greater trochanter – bump on the outside of the upper thigh
Ice massage – 3-5 minutes with an ice cup
Progressive piriformis stretching
Adjusting of the low back and pelvis
Soft tissue mobilizations of the piriformis muscle to relieve spasms
Custom made orthotics through Biomechanical Services can be made for you at Gallagher Chiropractic and Sports Medicine.